Learn to code from basics to becoming a professional web developer at HatriBytes

How to learn coding? - For Beginners | Learntocode@Hatri | Hatri Journals


Today, we will talk about how you can learn coding. There are few steps to enjoy developing a new world of your own website.

1. Which language to select

There are many languages of web which you can use to communicate with this world of internet and create real world of your imagination. Recommended language for beginners from my side would be
HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

2. Where to learn

After selecting which language, you will love to start with, you need to learn them from skilled developers or practitioners. You can learn every language briefly on W3schools or you can get a tutor for the same.

And let me tell you that at Hatri we have professional developers who are making a freemium model to teach Web Development, App Development, Full Stack development, etc. which Hatri will be launching soon.

3. Where to code

There are few apps which you can use to code. Recommended app is Visual Studio Code.

Now, I think that I've provided you with enough information to start your coding journey as a beginner. Share your views on this blog and I will be continuing this series 'Learntocode@Hatri' to tell you more.
The founder of Xtaverse Global and Hatri Technologies.